Shiitake-thyme bouchée

The mysteries encapsulated in my brain connectivity determine that I remain disturbingly idle during the few periods along the year when stress drops to bearable levels. And so, every beginning of year I see the days before returning to the inhuman demands of my academic duties passing by at the speed of light, while I linger over thoughts of going back to writing, reading one thousand books that I declared overdue, or trying the recipes that pop-up once in a while. It almost feels like a tradition, in which case should be observed. And, although the recipe I am about to share with you might not be closely followed by the dozens I have tried, since the last post, I can assure you it will be worth it. I have been thinking about making vol-au-vent for quite some time. But the process is time consuming: cutting all the puff-pastry circles, stack them perfectly together making sure they stick together as well, so they do not separate when baked... It is one of those things that can be...