Garibaldi Biscuit

Have you heard of a biscuits called " squashed fly biscuits" ? Yes? No? What about "Garibaldi biscuits"? No? And what about "Raisins biscuits or sultanas biscuits" then? Yes, right? Raisins/Sultanas biscuits are quite common for us here and we used to eat this and commonly sold at the supermarkets. Well, squashed fly biscuits or Garibaldi biscuits or Raisins biscuits they all are the same. This biscuit also exist under different names in other countries. You can find more information on Garibaldi biscuits here (Wikipedia) . Garibaldi Biscuits Recipe sourced from Emma of Poires au Chocolat Original Recipe from Delia Online (Makes 16) Ingredients 110g plain flour ¼ tsp baking powder big pinch of fine sea salt 25g unsalted butter, cold 25g caster sugar + bit extra to sprinkle 1 egg 3 tbsp milk 100g raisins zest of ¼ lemon Method Preheat the oven to 190C/375F. Line a big baking tray with baking parchment. Mix the flour, baking...