Slow-cooked salmon with parsley and capers
How many times did you find yourself wishing for longer days, slow passing weeks, lingering months and years...? I bet you did it many times. Look outside. It is Fall again! From my window, this grey, rainy afternoon brightens up beautifully by the contrast of a tree already painted in orange and red. That is what make it worth it. Time is the command in chief of our lives and even though I have learned to look at it in a positive way, which actually lead me to accomplish more, there are moments, still, when I scream out loud "Stop! How am I suppose to do all these things while you, Mr. Time, are becoming shorter and passing at the speed of light?!". That is the life I have been living for the last couple of months - a running against Mr. Time. Please, do not read this as a complaint. I am happy! It is good, so good, to be back to school and into a system that, actually, values you as a thinker. The only thing I miss is to be the ruler of my time instead of letting it rule me...