Someone's trash is someone else's treasure

Hi everyone! I couldn't believe it ..... May is about to come to an end and this is my first post of 2015! I know I have been missing in action and have not been updating my blog. Well, I'm on long holiday right now. If you do wonder whether have I been cooking while I'm on holiday, I do. Most of the posting is posted at my sister's blog, My Happy Apron . Please feel free to hop over there. Whenever I'm back here in Auckland, there are few places I love to go. And 2nd hand stores are one of my favourites place to go. The 2nd stores here are those people donated out their unwanted items stuff like old clothing, bedsheets, books, kitchen & cooking wares, electrical items and etc etc. And they will sort out these things to sell it out with very affordable and economical price. The collections will to go the charity needs. The other day I help out my sister to clear up her unwanted items (loadful of toys, books and clothings) to donate ou...