Superlicious Cinnamon Rolls!!

It is so good to have someone whom we can communicate throughout the whole process of a recipe when we are going to face a recipe that we have not bake or cook before. There might be some technical issue which we could encounter during the midst of preparing the ingredient or whatsoever and I am so glad I have my baking buddy here, Hui of butterfly waltz , communicating thru whatsapp giving me some good tips right after she make this Superlicious Cinnamon Rolls!! Decadent. Luscious. Superlicious. NO-KNEAD! ~ this is what Hui have rated to this delicious Cinnamon Rolls. This Cinnamon Rolls originated from The Pioneer Woman . If you have visited her site about this recipe, there's a warning indication from her if you intend to make this yourself...... " A warning. If you follow these instructions and wind up delivering these cinnamon rolls to your friends, be prepared for any of the following to occur: 1. They’ll call you after they’ve taken the first bite and profe...