Kampar Claypot Chicken Rice

I was borne in Kampar Perak. And if you might have known of this small town Kampar, though it is just a small tiny town, but it has many many famous and well known food and delicacies. When I am still a little girl, my grandma and mum used to buy those yummy food at the stalls at the wet market. To name a few of these goodies food that I used to indulge in are "Lou See Fun", "Fun Jai" (never had this eversince my family and I left Kampar in the 80's), "Chee Cheong Fun in curry sauce" (oh, this is my favourite.... and I remember the first time my Johorean brother-in-law had this, he is so stunned that chee cheong fun drizzle with curry sauce!"), Claypot Chicken Rice, Chicken Biscuits, "See Hum Dan Fun", oh....there are so many and even the desserts like agar agar and cakes like "Kai Dan Koh" are so yummy! (Apologise that I had to mentioned all these food in Cantonese ). Many years ago, I remember there was a time I was cr...