Asian-Inspired Meatballs
Yes, I am still alive. No, this blog has not perished, regardless of the lack of posting activity it has shown. As most (if not all) of you, I have been quite busy and after accomplishing all my duties during the academic year, few or no time remains to share something with the outside world. I am not complaining. I love being busy for this reason. I am just acknowledging my wish of writing more often. Our most recent cooking experiments have revolved around Chinese cuisine: sweet and sour, spicy and sweet, fresh and spicy; you name the combination of flavors one can find in such rich tradition. We bought two cooking books with recipes from the most representative regions of China and we have been trying them for some time (great discoveries of deliciousness that I will share sooner or later). The most amazing thing about cooking is that you actually developed your senses up to the point of triggering your creativity. That was exactly what happened recently. We had some ground beef tha...