How to make beautiful, golden croutons?
Although the term had been generalized to designate small pieces of browned bread, croûtons, on its original French conception, consist of triangular pieces of bread, very lightly browned in clarified butter, that serve to garnish an entrée. The ones I will be sharing here are not the original French croûtons . Instead, I this recipe is for making the most popular looking version of this garnish - little cubes of golden bread. The quantities are really only a suggestion. You can make pounds of croûtons and store them on a sealed plastic container, if you want. This recipe renders about 3 cups. Preheat the oven to 350º F. Take half a loaf of white bread, preferably old, and cut it into small cubes. You can choose to take the crust of before cutting the bread. It is up to you and your taste. Personally, I prefer to keep the crust because it turns crispy and delicious. In a bowl, mix the bread with 3 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Transfer to a baking sheet cove...